
London Book Review


Unveiling Strength: A Story of Mental Wellness

Welcome to an insightful journey into the depths of the human experience with Béatrice Walsh, author of “Finding the Point of Equilibrium: Schizo-Affective Disorder and Wellbeing, Living the Paradox.” In the forthcoming interview, we delve into the profound insights shared by Béatrice as she navigates the complexities of mental illness and the quest for healing. […]

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Fiona Citkin’s Tapestry: Unraveling Immigrant Triumphs in ‘How They Made It in America

Today, we have the privilege of delving deep into the captivating narrative woven by Fiona Citkin, the brilliant author behind “How They Made It in America.” In this poignant exploration of immigrant triumphs, Fiona Citkin unveils the timeless tales of resilience, perseverance, and success. Through meticulous research and heartfelt storytelling, Citkin, herself an immigrant from

Fiona Citkin’s Tapestry: Unraveling Immigrant Triumphs in ‘How They Made It in America Read More »

Conquering Ego: The Return to the Extraordinary

In “Conquering Ego: The Return to the Extraordinary,” Darlene Cannon, a writer known for transcending conventional storytelling, weaves a spiritually charged narrative. The novel, concluding a trilogy that began with “Dollygal Peacock and the Serpent: The Gift” and continued with “The Awakening,” explores Dollygal’s transformative journey after the loss of her parents. Cannon delves into

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Interview with Tina Harmon: Unveiling the Demons Within and Living with Severe Mental Illness

A fascinating look into what living with someone who has a severe mental illness looks like. It’s intriguing to read how the innocent life of a child, getting tormented and crushed by the actions brought out by her mom due to these so-called demon voices in her mom’s mind.  Tina Harmon holds a master’s degree in education. She works

Interview with Tina Harmon: Unveiling the Demons Within and Living with Severe Mental Illness Read More »

Exploring a New Economic Frontier: An Exclusive Interview with Yusef Rashid DeLaine on Debt Elimination and Wealth Creation

I am confident that there are those who will not agree that “95% of people on Earth are facing significant challenges and hardship due to poverty because of the pyramidal structure of the capitalist financial system, which operates on a “divide and conquer” principle”, nor agree with the author and me. Still, it’s a quick

Exploring a New Economic Frontier: An Exclusive Interview with Yusef Rashid DeLaine on Debt Elimination and Wealth Creation Read More »

Live a Healthy, Happy, Long Life and Prosper Without Stress: The Life Transformation Paradigm: Seven Lifestyle Shifts to Live the Life You are Designed to Live

I’m still dipping my toes into the broad-ranging and expansive content, finding what interests me and what doesn’t. This book will stir up some exciting insights about the definition of success and how one can succeed without stress. With Dr. Jose Baltazar’s “Seven Lifestyle Shifts to Live the Life We are Designed to Live,” this

Live a Healthy, Happy, Long Life and Prosper Without Stress: The Life Transformation Paradigm: Seven Lifestyle Shifts to Live the Life You are Designed to Live Read More »

“The Power of Storytelling: An Exclusive Interview with Counter-Terrorism Fiction Mastermind, Paul Shemella”

Written by one of the most prolific authors in the United States, A More Perfect Union is written in a mesmerizing style that keeps the readers’ eyes glued to the pages and their souls bonded to the characters. After retiring from his forty years of traveling for the U.S. government, and becoming a NAVY SEAL

“The Power of Storytelling: An Exclusive Interview with Counter-Terrorism Fiction Mastermind, Paul Shemella” Read More »

“Embracing Love and Faith: An Intimate Interview with Author George Mills”

Born in Jones County, Mississippi, George Mills grew up in a small community called Mulberry. He was surrounded by family and friends with strong values, belief in God, and dedication to hard work. The saying went, “if you did not work, you did not eat” – it was just that simple. George credits his family

“Embracing Love and Faith: An Intimate Interview with Author George Mills” Read More »

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