
London Book Review

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A Bitter Wind

A fascinating story with interesting characters set in a unique world! Anita Merrick is a Mystical Author and a 3rd generation psychic. She lives in Erin, NY with her husband and three dogs. She also works as Crystal Wind, a Psychic Intuitive, Tarot Reader, Medium, and ordained priestess. She has a Tarot Master certification and

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The Three Souls

The element of fiction of The Three Souls by Bill Thomas that I found captivating are the unpredictable twists and turns, unknown dangers, the amount of history and fantasy combined, intriguing concepts, and well-drawn characters. When you think you have reached the end, Bill introduces unexpected and surprising plot twists that excited me page after

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These Thy Gifts

While historical wrongs committed by the “European Churches” may be forgiven as they fade into the annals of time, it was disheartening history. Panettiere courageously delves beyond the sacraments, the physical structures, and the impenetrable walls of the established Catholic Church. These Thy Gifts is an authentic novel that depicts unforeseen problems, emerging continuously without

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Interview with Tina Harmon: Unveiling the Demons Within and Living with Severe Mental Illness

A fascinating look into what living with someone who has a severe mental illness looks like. It’s intriguing to read how the innocent life of a child, getting tormented and crushed by the actions brought out by her mom due to these so-called demon voices in her mom’s mind.  Tina Harmon holds a master’s degree in education. She works

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Exploring a New Economic Frontier: An Exclusive Interview with Yusef Rashid DeLaine on Debt Elimination and Wealth Creation

I am confident that there are those who will not agree that “95% of people on Earth are facing significant challenges and hardship due to poverty because of the pyramidal structure of the capitalist financial system, which operates on a “divide and conquer” principle”, nor agree with the author and me. Still, it’s a quick

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In the Matter of Edwin Potter: Mental Illness and Criminal Justice Reform

“In the Matter of Edwin Potter” (IMOEP) becomes a page-turner that is both heart-thumping and engrossing as it explores the unsettling truth of schizophrenia and the urgent need for an open dialogue regarding mental illness in today’s society. Based on the author’s personal experience, this book inspires, transforms, and educates anyone who comes across it.

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A New Economic System: Guide To Debt Elimination And Wealth Creation

“A New Economic System: Guide To Debt Elimination And Wealth Creation” could potentially be regarded as one of the most influential books ever written, tackling the perpetual issue of worldwide poverty. It surpasses the realm of a mere overview, as Yusef presents pragmatic and distinctive strategies to navigate through economic downturns. Yusef Rashid DeLaine, the

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