
London Book Review

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Anne Hunter Logue: Letters Out of Time| London Book Interview

Letters Out of Time is a large, expansive work of art that is both gorgeous and thought-provoking in scope. It is backdropped in diversified themes such as life, death, hope, love, politics, and more in the changing and evolving times.

Anne Hunter Logue is an American author who wrote “The Story of the Sun, I Once Had a Tiger, and Letters Out of Time”.

 1. What is the book about?

The book is about learning how to live in a tumultuous world.  It is composed of thoughts and observations during a transitional period in history, a clash of the generations.  In my personal life, a time of great change after my father died and my life changed forever.

2. How did you come up with the idea to include colored and realistic illustrations in your book?

In my last book “I Once Had a Tiger”, I asked children to contribute pictures of tigers to compliment the story and I was very happy with the enhanced dimension that the children’s pictures added so I employed that same concept to this book.  Pictures and illustrations add so much to the printed word.

3.  Through your poems, what changes do you hope to bring about in our society today?

Hopefully the ideas in the poetry are thought provoking and encourage the reader to question and look at issues from a different perspective.  I would like to allow the reader to gain new insight into some common day to day situations and perhaps through a more playful and less serious means, the concepts of equality both racially and politically and a sharing of our common experiences will promote greater understanding throughout all of our connections.  

4. In your poem “The Realm of the Circus”, what do the Blue Company and Red Company mean?

“The Realm of the Circus” represents a tongue and cheek view of the constantly changing landscape that is life.  Our values and ideologies have shifted over time and continue to shift and the dichotomy of the political parties (Blue and Red) impacts us all, even the youngest of us.

5. Was there a moment in your life when your ideas and ideologies in this book have been challenged?

My ideas have been challenged many, many times, not merely a “moment in time”.  The testing of our ideas and belief systems either causes us to revise our concepts and re-evaluate or cling more fiercely to our long-held beliefs.  That testing has created both effects in my life.

6. “Letters Out of Time” is an expansive book with heavy themes tackling politics, social injustices, and capitalism to name a few, why did you choose to write it in poetry instead of writing it in prose?

Poetry offers the opportunity for little snippets of ideas rather than long drawn out monologues.  It’s a lighter way to offer ideas and present concepts in a more playful and less threatening way.  Serious themes can become overbearing, and a more lighthearted approach can make a point without becoming pedantic.  It is also easier to swallow a short poem than a longer work and thus, might allow the reader to consider the ideas without getting bogged down in a lot of prose.

7. What do you think is your purpose in life?

I’d like to think that my “purpose” is to introduce new ideas and ways of handling difficult life situations.  I am also interested in holistic healing and so I offer, through that medium, opportunities to approach problems from a different way. We assume many different roles in our lives and I have found purpose in caring for my children as they were growing up, for family members with declining health issues and in supporting and promoting better health outcomes and a better way to handle challenges through the work that I do in the holistic field as well as through my writing.

8. Do you consider writing another poetry book?

I have a number of projects that are in the works.  Poetry is a favorite means of communication for me so that might be the next to get attention but I also have a novel that I have been working on.

9. How did you come up with the title “Letters Out of Time”?

I wanted to find something that spoke to being in transition between two worlds, like “Postcards from the Edge”.  I thought “Letters Out of Time” had the same feeling and conveyed the mood I wanted to portray.

10.  What advice could you give to the youth of today?

My advice to anyone, young or old, is to be true to yourself.  I would like to encourage young people to question, and ask questions, to recognize that all of our experiences, both “good” and “bad” offer a means of learning and can teach us more about ourselves.   What may seem like a wild dream, can come to fruition when we are ready for that experience, it is all perspective.  Often a difficult “chapter” in our lives gives us tremendous strength and courage to face challenges and enables us to take on a project that otherwise might have seemed impossible.                 

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