
London Book Review

Salar A. Khan : Global Political Leadership and the Public | London Book Interview

Democracy is dying, what can you do as a contributing member of society? What is Global Leadership? The idea of an Independent Global Leadership Organization (IGLO) has been one of the highlights of this book for its practicality and necessity. For Salar Khan, anything is possible if you are dedicated to achieving your goals. His well-thought-out ideas and insights and personal experiences hope to bring about change in our Political Leaders.

Salar A. Khan has titles such as MD, MBA, FACA, FCCP, DTCD, and MCPS. His merits, educational background, and experiences make him qualified to write this book.

1. What inspired you to write this book?

This book is written based on the general public feeling about global political leaders and their ability to tackle global political issues. The author is not a politician or affiliated with any political party. The book is based on research, and the author used his education, fifty-five years of experience, and observation to conclude this book. The following current situation in the world compels me to write personal opinions related to the third world war which is close to erupting soon. The author notices in December 2018 when began to think and started writing the third book entitled “Shaping the Future of Global Leadership: Finding a Peaceful Solution” which was published in 2020. Since then, I was thinking to provide some essential training guides on how world leaders can become efficient global political leaders to have enough training to resolve conflicts and disputes among countries which if not resolved in a timely fashion will lead to big war-like world war I and II. Once again, wars, rampant injustice, and political turmoil –are the problems that the world is facing today. Seeing the destruction that global political leaders and international companies are causing, one might lose hope that the situation will ever change. If only our leaders were responsible, open-minded, patient, and fair! Salar Khan’s Global Political Leadership and the Public the fourth book reveals this is not an unattainable dream.

In this eye-opening book, find out how global leadership affects where our world is headed and acquire the skills necessary to become the best you in all aspects of your life. Building on the work of great minds from Plato to Freud, Salar offers a riveting, contemporary take on leadership and the skills an ideal leader should be equipped with. Global Political Leadership and the Public is an essential read for everyone, as we should all learn how to lead better since true leadership starts with leading ourselves through the challenges we have to face in life. Acquire the necessary skills and mindset to become a natural-born leader with the guidance of an expert who shares his motivating personal experience with all his readers.

The book will serve as an inspiring guide to cultivating a global leadership mindset and skills to manage peace and make the world a better place for everyone. The author has experience working nationally and internationally as an attending physician, pulmonologist, psychiatrist, associate professor of medicine, chief of medicine, and director of medical services, among others. He has also held various leadership positions to develop leadership intuition to immediately reach the root cause of a problem and resolve it quickly.

In this book, the author will discuss and explain how one can cultivate a mindset and develop the skills necessary for global leadership. The book is based on research and presents the author’s anecdotes from his life working as a leader in various organizations. His experiences have allowed him to evolve his skills to deal with any kind of situation, and now he is ready to teach others how to perform confidently as a physician or as a leader and how to work for the betterment of the world. If leaders stopped blaming others and did their job to the best of their abilities with sincerity and honesty, they could become humankind’s future icons.

2. Was there a moment in your life wherein your ideas and beliefs were also challenged? What was it?

I did not remember throughout my career as an attending physician, pulmonologist, psychiatrist, and a holding superior management position in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the USA faced challenges related to my ideas or conflicts at any level. The reader of all my books appreciates my new angle to see the world where we all are going and analyze who is responsible and how we can resolve issues at the grass root level to cure chronic world conflicts and dispute to make our land the best place to live for our future generation.

3. How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

The author’s soon upcoming book is entitled: Salar Khan’s Kitchen: The Art of Cooking Guide– Delicious South Asian Recipes.

Following is the list of published books by the author:

● The author’s first book, entitled, Unlocking the Natural-Born Leader’s Abilities: An Autobiographical Exposé (published by Xlibris in 2017)
● Shaping the Future of Global Leadership: Finding a Peaceful Solution (published by Archway Publishing in 2020 is the continuation of the first book).
● Global Political Leadership and the Public: An Essential Guide To Learn the Necessary Skills and Mindset (published by the Author in 2022 is the continuation of both leadership books).
● Am I Burned Out at Work? A Self-Care Solution (published by Archway Publishing in 2019).

4. What does literary success look like to you?

Salar Khan’s motto since childhood seeks to instill in the readers. “You can do anything if you are dedicated to achieving your goals. “Nothing is impossible” This Political Science Book is written, “Seeks to Shake Up Global Leadership.”

After completing each book, I am improving a lot to harness a literary sense of how to express my feeling to the public or understand the sentiment of the public to convey responsible top leadership and how they can balance their leadership with equal justice for all, one in which society is more harmonized and regulated. Now I am ready to write literary books on another topic.

My journey started when I developed an interest in politics in 1970 when I was about 16 years old, and my father bought a radio to listen to the news. The radio was kept in my room, and my father used to sit there from 8:15 pm to 9:00 pm every day, and we both carefully listened to what was going on in the world. In the beginning, I asked questions from my father when we heard about a disaster that led to the death of innocent people. I soon realized that most countries showed impatience and lack of leadership when it came to resolving conflicts, which created cracks among nations leading to never-ending disputes. The United Nations (UNO) has not been able to resolve any of the world’s issues. Rather, it has created new problems that have resulted in an arms race. Countries started spending a lot of money on dangerous weapons, nuclear warfare, and new drone technology, producing even more destruction. I am a first-hand witness of the injustices created by the superpowers leading to the feeling of insecurity.

I discussed all of this with my father until January 1988, when I got a physician and pulmonologist job in Saudi Arabia. I learned a lot from my father’s honest judgment about the world’s political leaders and how these leaders handled different situations to de-escalate or diffuse tension, but even the best leaders sometimes provoked more tension and created new issues so the nations could not reach peace.

I have continued to update myself about the latest developments in the world, and I still follow world issues and bigger problems among nations, but nothing is improving – on the contrary, things are becoming worse by the day. Now there is another threat related to a third world war; many small countries are getting pushed by superpowers to stage a new war, which will take 3–5 years to convert into a full-blown war among countries, for which our current leaders will be responsible, as they are fighting to control other countries and to capture their resources. But who will be the beneficiary of the war? I will tell you: a limited number of leaders and influential industrialists sell their war equipment to get money. But ordinary people will suffer due to the increase in living costs. The influential people get all the profit, and they are going on long cruises or build homes on other planets, thinking that they will live forever. But life is unpredictable, and anyone can die at any moment, so what do leaders need so much money for? Every day people who are suffering at the hands of these bad global leaders are losing their loved ones. The UNO has failed to take preemptive actions to prevent any new war. UN policies and procedures always support injustice and guilty superpowers. If this is true, how can we resolve disputes and conflicts? People are now losing their trust in democracy, which is gradually less and less effective when it comes to resolving issues for the benefit of the public. Bad leaders will destroy nations, countries, and natural beauty on earth during a nuke war that we all know no one will win. We all remember what happened in WWI and WWII.

Although I am not a politician or a political scientist, I have learned a lot throughout the years. I know that a lot of ordinary non-political people feel that they are not in a position to say anything to our political leaders due to a fear of the consequences, as some leaders have a revenge-taking mindset. Now I will take this responsibility to speak out about whatever is going on in our world.

I wrote this book according to my political wisdom to suggest training and education and to change war-related thinking. I want to provide training guidelines on how our global leaders could become honest, sincere, and just. The book will also explain how parents can start cultivating leadership abilities in newborns. This is the way children can become good citizens and develop the ability to make the right decisions at the time of electing the right candidate for president or prime minister. Some of these kids will probably become good and confident leaders, which is what we need in the future to make our world safe to live in. We will eliminate poverty from the earth and create happy nations all over the world.

5. Have you ever traveled to research for your book?


6. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?

Negative reviews are positive for me and respect criticism because I learn a lot from book reviewers’ views to understand what other readers think about my written material in the book. Book reviews entirely depend upon readers’ depth of knowledge about the book’s subject area and if they have experience in working in government and non-government enterprises while holding a superior management position as well as being aware current political situation all over the world and being honest about in their opinion being impartial to comment because our sincere review makes a common ground to move positively by protecting our world from evil, selfish, and dishonest global political leaders otherwise our world will be destroyed by these few power hunger politicians. We as the public must stand together to send a strong message to global politicians that the public does not want wars and destruction. In this way, we can protect our only land so far.

7. What specific insights or objectives do you wish for your readers to acquire or accomplish?

Why is reading this book useful for everyone?

My definition of leadership is simple: it means to lead anyone – including ourselves – through the process of decision-making. Sometimes our hidden fears or our fear of failure stops us from making decisions, or we might lack confidence due to our limited access to data. This book will teach readers how to explore the mind as a source of hidden talents (see Chapter Seven, “The Mind as a Source of Hidden Talents and Global Leadership Abilities”) and to make well-informed decisions.
This book will be useful for everyone – students, teachers, housewives, businessmen, bus drivers, and pilots alike, as we all have to make daily life decisions. Every day people make decisions about what to eat, what shoes and clothes to buy, what books to read, and whether to take out a mortgage to buy a house. If we look at the statistics from major stores, the number of returned items is pretty high. We all know why it is so: when making a decision, we might get confused, we might lack clarity of mind, or we might simply lack the confidence to make the right decision.
Every human being makes thousands of decisions in their lifetime, and several decisions could be life-threatening, like forgetting to stop at a stop sign. I am sure everyone can recall critical decisions they have had to make, and in hindsight, they might also be able to see whether they made a good or bad decision at the time. If your mind is clear, and you are aware of the circumstances, you will make a confident decision that will have a long-term positive impact on your life. This book will teach you all the necessary skills and the mindset to become a good decision-maker. If you learn the right techniques, you will be able to make a good decision when it comes to the selection of our electoral candidates too. If people had at least a basic level of decision-making skills, they would elect honest and sincere people for leadership roles, and thus, the governance of the countries would improve.
The book also aims to target people in global leadership roles to help them learn the necessary skills and mindset to avoid corruption, cheating, and creating conflicts. This book is specially written for people in decision-making positions in all types of political and non-political organizations and institutions, including presidents, prime ministers, all the members of the government, and CEOs, as they must learn how to make a positive impact through their positive attitude, promoting stability and peace among nations to resolve disputes.

8. How long on average does it take you to write a book?

Between one-two year-time frame depending upon my other commitments with my family and I am also working in a superior management position as a director of research compliance in Chicago, Illinois dealing with approximately 700 various researchers as a full-time employee. I can only focus to write a book during my weekends and annual vacation time, it takes time to finalize my book for publication.

9. What do you like to do when you are not writing?

In his spare time, I enjoy cooking, photography, and watching sports such as cricket. Listening to international political news commentary to keep myself current with the world’s political situation. Due to the press, YouTube, and social media, there is also fake news creating confusion, and hard to get correct honest news because due to shifting of right or left wing. It is my opinion, not necessarily readers will agree with me. There is freedom of choice.

10. As a leader, what was the hardest decision you have taken? What helped you to prompt the best course of action?

Challenging Task: NCQA Accreditation Audit for the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)

This was perhaps one of the biggest projects I performed during my time at VA. In June 2005, my boss requested that I prepare the R&D department at JBVAMC for the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) accreditation audit for the HRPP in October of the same year and I accepted that challenge alone because the other staff in the department were not interested in volunteer due to no incentive was associated with this.

I had four months to prepare for that audit. In addition, I was overseeing the R&D committee, the research safety subcommittee, the research space subcommittee, and the annual board of directors’ meeting, preparing policies and procedures and developing performance improvement plans while organizing research seminars and safety training meetings. To complete all these tasks, I had to stay at work every day until 10:00 p.m. without any additional compensation.

I prepared sixteen new standard operating procedures (SOPs) and revised eight current SOPs to meet the audit requirements. I further ensured training for all research investigators and their team members and asked special permission to go to and work for the JBVAMC pharmacy for two weeks to ensure they were dispensing investigational drugs and medical devices according to the IRB-approved protocols and the VA pharmacy regulations. For instance, the pharmacy needed to ensure that medicines were refrigerated at their desired temperatures to avoid deterioration of these medications.

On audit day, I asked the NCQA auditor if I could stay in the pharmacy so that I could answer any questions. Permission was granted. During the audit, the auditor asked many questions and required documentation to meet the accreditation requirements. I was answering all her questions and concerns. At one point, she asked about the expiration date of one of the drugs being tested by a VA collaborative research team. Our new pharmacist was unaware of the situation entirely, so I interjected and provided her with the answer.

“The NCQA audit regulation indicates that the VA central office at Washington, DC, will keep the expiration date of medicine used by VA collaborative research studies.”

The auditor asked me, “Where is this written down?”

I had a regulatory file with me, and I showed it to her. The auditor was surprised and asked me, “How do you remember this detail?”

“Because I worked independently on this preparation. I remember every detail about this audit.”

Needless to say, the audit scored a perfect 100 percent compliance on the first attempt. It was one of the greatest honors for the JBVAMC to achieve the highest possible score in the HRPP out of 116 veteran affairs hospitals throughout the USA. The R&D department was proud of my efforts. We achieved a seemingly impossible goal and saved the facility several thousand dollars of revenue in potential consultation fees.

All the regulatory agencies were amazed by my knowledge, excellent job performance, and total command of federal and state regulations. They could not believe that one person could complete all that work with such high standards. Given my excellent service, which far exceeded my job description, the R&D department nominated me for the 2006 Chicago Federal Employee of the Year Award, which I won in my category. These achievements gave me more confidence and internal happiness.

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